paula naeim

love monks at st mina monastery

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  • wellcome in my web site.enjoy with me. with my pleasure paula about me<my name is paula naeim.....iam from egypt and live in el_mansoura city............i am 18 years old.i am in the second stage in the secondry favourites are listen to music and go to st mina father abefanyous stay in it.i want you make a visit to this monastery its in western desert at maryout in alexandriaCoptic Icon of St. Mina


Welcome to St. Mina Monastery in Mariut on the Web!

This site is about St. Mina (Menas) Coptic Orthodox Monastery in Mariut, near Alexandria, Egypt (Deir Mar Mina in Arabic), its history, and its famous saints and their miracles.

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Latest News

20 Dec 2003 - Six monks ordained priests at St. Mina Monastery

Source: El-Keraza official Coptic Orthodox magazine 2003 Dec 26;31(41-42):2

15 June 2003 - New Bishop for Saint Mina Monastery in Mariut: His Grace Bishop Kyrillos AvaMina (born 13/8/1953)

Source: El-Keraza official Coptic Orthodox magazine 2003 Jun 20;31(19-20):1
El-Keraza 2003 Jun 20;31(19-20):1 - Click to read full article (Arabic plus English translation)

El-Keraza 2002 Nov 22;30(43-44):2 - Arabic14 November 2002 - New Abbot for Saint Mina Monastery in Mariut: Fr. Kyrillos AvaMina

Source: El-Keraza official Coptic Orthodox magazine 2002 Nov 22;30(43-44):2


Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented--of whom the world was not worthy.
Hebrews 11:35-38

But now the LORD says: "Far be it from Me; for those who honour Me I will honour, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed."
1 Samuel 2:30

Coptic Icon of St. MinaThe great martyr St. Mina was an Egyptian young man who came from a large family, with rulers' status. He left the army to live in the desert and be filled with the blessings of the heavens. He then publicly declared his faith in Christ and was martyred for Christ's beloved name, after suffering great tribulations.

God declared the greatness of this saint through the blessings from his relics and countless miracles at Mariut, Egypt. Several churches were built in his name, in that area, the largest of which was the great Cathedral (Basilica) built with seven altars by the Roman emperor Arcadius. He built it with marble and precious stones, and along with the other churches in the area, it attracted many pilgrims who visited the site to receive the blessings of St. Mina. The area turned into a city with homes, mansions, factories, markets and much more. This shows us the saint's rank among Church saints.

Time passed and the area along with its churches faced tribulations, then destruction. Saint Mina's relics were moved from city to city in threat of being lost, but God has preserved this saint's relics from many dangers that have never come collectively across any other saint's relics; St. Mina's relics have been thrown into fire and did not burn, but instead shone a bright light. Every time these relics were lost or moved to another place, God would show that they are the relics of his beloved soldier, the martyr St. Mina.

Therefore, there is no doubt that it was God who guided the late Pope Kyrillos (Cyril) VI to revive the glorious memory of this magnificent saint, and to bring back life to that land (Mariut) which St. Mina had once filled with life and miracles. What Pope Cyril did was a noble accomplishment, which was itself a miracle (more than anything) that God used to keep this saint's memory alive. St. Mina's memory was brought back in an extraordinary way that has left a flame burning in many people's hearts, until this very day.

The Pope's relationship with St. Mina goes back to the years of his childhood. When he was ordained a monk, it was God's will that Anba Youaness ordained him with the name Mina, in the Baramos monastery. He became closer to St. Mina, by using him as an example and praying for his intercession. When he was forced to leave the windmill, he built a church in the saint's name in Old Cairo; but that was not enough to quench his fire of love for this saint. He kept sending requests for permission from the agency of Archaeology to live in the lower room of St. Mina's ancient church in Mariut (Abu Mena). His wait for an answer was prolonged, but he remained persistent until he received the approval, after the altar lot had announced him to be the new Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. This was a sign from heaven that the Pope understood: that he would not live in a room, which he remained persistent in getting, but instead he would liven up the whole area after becoming Pope of Alexandria.

Visitors to the Abu Mena region used to look at it with sad heart, for the destruction that came about it. Today, they can look at it from a joyful angle for the glorious works that Pope Cyril has accomplished, in an area that was deserted for centuries.

He covered it with his faith and gave it his building spirit. This gave the land the heart beat of life and raised the voice of praises within it once again. Its old owner, the Martyr St. Mina, returned to his land, dressing it once more with the attire of peace. The Pope was never discouraged, from work, by the hardship of the way, his old age, the danger of the place, the difficulty of bringing water or building tools to it, and thus many miracles were manifested on his hands.

The Pope sent to the agency of "desert development" with a request to purchase 50 acres next to the ancient city in Mariut and then another request for 50 more. In 1959, on the first feast for St. Mina after the Pope's ordination a large festival tent was put up. The Pope sent his secretary to pray evening raising of incense and ensure that everything was ready for the feast's Holy Liturgy in the morning. In the morning, his holiness prayed the hymns and the Holy Liturgy. Those who received Holy Communion that morning were about 500 men and women. He then went to the land, which he had bought from the agency of desert development. He prayed, blessed it and placed the cornerstone of St. Mina's monastery. During the feast, the Pope was asked by some of those who were present to sit in the large chair prepared for him but he refused saying: "This chair is for St. Mina".

The two Alexandrian contractors, Sharobeem and Farag Akladious, built a small church, two rooms for his holiness and another for making the holy host. The Pope and those accompanying him spent months in these two rooms with no safety nor rest, just to ensure that the work is being completed.

Painting of Pope Kyrillos VI riding a donkeyThe Agency of Archaeology agreed to the transport of bricks, that had no archaeological value, to use in the building of the monastery. The students used tractors to transport these stones; it took two full years, and a brick wall was built around about fifteen acres from the monastery's land. Some monk cells were built along with another church, which was blessed in a large celebration attended by thousands of people. Pope Kyrillos' yearning for St. Mina's ancient church pushed him to ride a donkey to the ancient church to receive the blessing of St. Mina's land.

The ancient church or Basilica of Abu Mena with its seven altars was taking Pope Cyril's mind, so he planned to build something similar to liven up the memory of his beloved hero, who was once visited in this same land by people from all corners of the Earth and all walks of life seeking his prayers and intercession. The area occupied by the new St. Mina Cathedral in Mariut is more than that of the old St. Mark Cathedral in Cairo. Before his departure in the Lord, Pope Cyril left 55,000 Egyptian pounds for the completion of this cathedral to suit the glory of that heroic martyr, St. Mina.

Countless miracles occurred and continue to occur everyday through the intercessions of St. Mina the Martyr, Pope St. Kyrillos VI and the late Abba Mina Ava-Mina.

Front view of St. Mina Monastery in Mariut showing the church of St. Mina (front left) and the new Cathedral with its two towers (on the right in the back)
Front view of St. Mina Monastery in Mariut showing the church of St. Mary and St. Mina (front left) and the new Cathedral with its two towers (on the right in the back). A small chapel to the left of the church of St. Mary and St. Mina (and connected to it with a short corridor) contains the relics of St. Mina (not shown in this photo).





asf video Exclusive: Rare film of Pope Kyrillos VI at St. Mina Monastery, Mariut (streaming video, 2 min: 29 sec - right-click to save, 9.35 MB - to view this video, you will need Microsoft Windows Media Player)

Short Biography in English with Photos (

Pope St. Kyrillos VI Multimedia Web Gallery, including a longer biography, miracle accounts, photo albums, videos, and much more (

The appearance of the Virgin Mary at Her church in Zeitun, Cairo (1968) was a unique spiritual event that crowned the papacy of Pope Cyril VI (

The Great Saint Pope Kyrillos VI: Model for the Spiritual Life (PowerPoint Presentation by Raouf Ibrahim - right-click to save, 3.03 MB)

Short Biography in French

PDF documentPope St. Kyrillos VI: Letter to Wives (Arabic)
(Right-click to save, 138 KB - to read this PDF document, you will need Acrobat Reader, which can be obtained free of charge here.)

A Related 20th Century Coptic Saint: The Late Abouna Abdel Messih El Makari

The Late Pope St. Kyrillos VI, 116th Pope of Alexandria and See of St. MarkIn 1948, Father Mina (Pope Kyrillos VI) built a church in Old Cairo under the name of Saint Mina. He lived in this church till his ordination as Pope of Alexandria and the Holy See of Saint Mark in 1959.

It was a dear wish for Pope Kyrillos VI, during his monastic life, to live among the ruins of St. Mina Monastery in Mariut. When he was enthroned to the See of St. Mark, his blessed hand brought construction and restoration to the desert that gave nothing but salty water, unfit even for building. Pope Kyrillos VI is credited with the establishment of the Monastery of St. Mina in Mariut (1959) and reviving the cult of St. Mina. Part of the relics of St. Mina was transferred to the new monastery in February 1962. St. Mina's new Cathedral in Mariut accommodates 3000 persons, has seven altars and its towers are 45 meters in height.

His Holiness stated in his will, his desire to be buried with his beloved Saint and Patron, St. Menas. When the place was prepared to receive his pure body at St. Mina Monastery, Mariut, after about 18 months from his departure, the body was transferred to the chosen place on Thursday 23 November 1972. The amazing thing is the sudden change in the weather that occurred when Alexandria was getting ready to receive the body of the Holy Saint. No rain fell at all in Alexandria, which puzzled the meteorological experts. In Cairo, nature wept for the departure of the beloved Pope's body. The sky darkened, rain poured heavily at the time when the body was taken from the tomb in St. Mark's Cathedral, Anba Rweis, Cairo, on Wednesday evening, 22 November 1972, in readiness for the trip to Alexandria (St. Mina Monastery in Mariut).

No rain fell at all in Alexandria, which puzzled the meteorological experts. In Cairo, nature wept for the departure of the beloved Pope's body. The sky darkened, rain poured heavily at the time when the body was taken from the tomb in St. Mark's Cathedral, Anba Rweis, Cairo, on Wednesday evening, 22 November 1972, in readiness for the trip to Alexandria.

No rain fell at all in Alexandria, which puzzled the meteorological experts. In Cairo, nature wept for the departure of the beloved Pope's body. The sky darkened, rain poured heavily at the time when the body was taken from the tomb in St. Mark's Cathedral, Anba Rweis, Cairo, on Wednesday evening, 22 November 1972, in readiness for the trip to Alexandria.

The Late Father Salib AvaMina - Click for Arabic Biography and Miracle Accounts of Abouna Salib

Related 20th Century Coptic Saint: The Late Abouna Abdel Messih El Makari, Monk and Priest

Cover of a book in Arabic on the miracles of the late Abouna Abdel Messih El MakariPope Kyrillos VI testified as to the holiness and asceticism of this contemporary Coptic Orthodox saint, Abouna Abdel Messih El Makari.

The upright Anba Bishoi, the beloved of our Good Saviour, and the man who was worthy of washing the feet of the LORD of glory, endeavoured particularly to conceal his virtues. He once said, "My reward will be for those years when I was not known to people." He also taught his pupils to shun vain glory and honour. Indeed, concealing virtues after perfecting them is an act of the highest degree of spirituality. Father (Abouna) Abdel Messih El Makari (monk and priest) was one of those who hid their many perfect virtues. Of those virtues we may mention:

FIRST his marvelous purity for which he was put to the test and came out victorious.

SECONDLY he was distinguished for his strict asceticism and continuous vigilance. Whether he was at the monastery or out in the world, he spent his nights repeating one complete doxology after another and with tears asking for God's forgiveness for sinning or causing others to sin.

THIRDLY he was known for his wonderful humility. He fled from praise in spite of the fact that he had the gift of healing the sick.

FOURTHLY he was very compassionate and gave everything he was given to the needy.

FIFTHLY Our Good God gave him the gift of prescience for he knew who was coming to see him and knew the exact day he will die.

May the blessing of his prayers be with us. Amen.


The Life of Abouna Abdel Messih El Makari, a Full-length Arabic Movie with English Subtitle (Streaming RealVideo Format)
[4 parts; in part 3 of the film, you can learn about the relation of Abouna Abdel Messih El Makari the Anchorite (as-sayeh in Arabic) and Pope St. Kyrillos VI]



